Generalizing the Outer Product to Hilbert Space

I briefly discuss how the outer product, familiar in Euclidean space, can be viewed as a linear operator which can readily be generalized to Hilbert space.

Finite Dimensional Euclidean Space

In Euclidean space, where x,yRnx, y \in \mathbb{R}^n, the outer product is defined via the matrix multiplication xyRn×nxy^\top \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}. Since the resulting n×nn \times n matrix can be viewed as a linear map, it is natural to consider the outer product as an operation which accepts two vectors and uses them to construct a linear map L(Rn,Rn)\mathcal{L}(\mathbb{R}^n, \mathbb{R}^n) (throughout this post, I use the notation L(H1,H2)\mathcal{L}(H_1, H_2) to denote the space of linear maps from a Hilbert space H1H_1 to another Hilbert space H2H_2). Given this viewpoint, let us denote this operator by (,):Rn×RnL(Rn,Rn), \otimes(\cdot, \cdot): \mathbb{R}^n \times \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathcal{L}(\mathbb{R}^n, \mathbb{R}^n), though we will favor the binary operator notation xy=(x,y),x,yRn. x \otimes y = \otimes(x, y), \qquad x, y \in \mathbb{R}^n. Letting x,y,zRnx, y, z \in \mathbb{R}^n, the defining relation of this operator can be uncovered by observing (xy)(z)=(xy)z=x(yz)=xy,z, (x \otimes y)(z) = (xy^\top) z = x(y^\top z) = x \langle y, z \rangle, where associativity allowed us to re-write things in terms on an inner, rather than outer, product. While the definition xy=xyx \otimes y = xy^\top may not appear amenable to generalization in the case where xx and yy are infinite-dimensional vectors, the defining relation \begin{align} (x \otimes y)(z) &= \langle y, z \rangle x \tag{1} \end{align} only requires an inner product, and hence is readily generalizable.

Generalizing to Hilbert Space

We now consider a Hilbert space equipped with inner product ,.\langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle. Given vectors x,yHx, y \in H, we define the operation xy:HHx \otimes y: H \to H by

\begin{align} (x \otimes y)(z) &= \langle y, z \rangle x, \qquad z \in H \end{align}

thus generalizing (1). Given the constructive definition, this operator clearly exists and inherits linearity (in zz) from the inner product; i.e., xyL(H,H)x \otimes y \in \mathcal{L}(H, H).

The operator xyx \otimes y is not unique in the sense that different choices of xx and yy can yield the same operator in L(H,H)\mathcal{L}(H, H); e.g., for αR\alpha \in \mathbb{R}, (αxα1y)(z)=α1y,z(αx)=y,zx=(xy)(z). (\alpha x \otimes \alpha^{-1} y)(z) = \langle \alpha^{-1} y, z \rangle (\alpha x) = \langle y, z \rangle x = (x \otimes y)(z).

I’m not going to get into the applications of this operator here, but I will briefly note that (just like the familiar outer product) this operation is closely related to projection. If we set x=yx=y then (xx)(z)=x,zx, (x \otimes x)(z) = \langle x, z \rangle x, which is precisely the projection of zz onto xx (when xx has unit norm).

Formulation via the Adjoint

While we have generalized the outer product via the defining relation (1), we might still wonder if we can make meaning of the expression xy=xy(2) x \otimes y = xy^\top \tag{2} when x,yHx,y \in H. This provides a direct definition of the operator xyx \otimes y rather than indirectly defining it through its action on zHz \in H. Our plan of attack will be to replace the transpose in (2) with the adjoint, xy=xy,(3) x \otimes y = xy^*, \tag{3} but we still need to provide a precise interpretation of this statement.

We first recall that the adjoint (in Hilbert space; there is also a more general notation of adjoint in Banach space) of a linear map LL(H1,H2)L \in \mathcal{L}(H_1, H_2) is a linear map in the reverse direction, denoted LL(H2,H1)L^* \in \mathcal{L}(H_2, H_1), satisfying the defining relation \begin{align} \langle Lx_1, x_2 \rangle_{H_2} &= \langle x_1, L^* x_2 \rangle_{H_1}, \qquad x_1 \in H_1, x_2 \in H_2. \tag{4} \end{align}

Note that the adjoint is defined for a linear operator, while in (3) we have written yy^* where yHy \in H is just a vector. The key here will be associating xx and yy with suitable linear operators. When working with inner products, it is common to associate a vector xHx \in H with the linear functional x(z)=x,z\ell_x(z) = \langle x, z \rangle. However, when working with outer products we need to flip things around. Instead of viewing xx as the map xL(H,R)\ell_x \in \mathcal{L}(H, \mathbb{R}), we will view it as the map LxL(R,H)L_x \in \mathcal{L}(\mathbb{R}, H) defined by \begin{align} L_x(\alpha) &= \alpha x, \qquad \alpha \in \mathbb{R}. \end{align}

I claim that the adjoint LxL(H,R)L^*_x \in \mathcal{L}(H, \mathbb{R}) is given by \begin{align} L^*_x z = \langle x, z \rangle, \qquad z \in H. \tag{5} \end{align} Indeed, by definition (4), the adjoint satisfies

\begin{align} \langle \alpha, L_x^* z \rangle_{\mathbb{R}} = \langle L_x \alpha, z \rangle_H \end{align} The inner product on the lefthand side is simply just multiplication, and on the righthand side, we can plug in the definition of LxL_x. Making these modifications, this reduces to αLxz=αx,zH=αx,zH. \alpha L^*_x z = \langle \alpha x, z\rangle_H = \alpha \langle x, z\rangle_H. Since α\alpha is arbitrary, This proves that Lxz=x,zHL^*_x z = \langle x, z\rangle_H.

With this result in hand, I next claim that \begin{align} x \otimes y = L_x L_y^*. \tag{6} \end{align}

Indeed, we have (LxLy)z=Lx(Lyz)=Lxy,z=y,zx=(xy)(z), (L_x L_y^*)z = L_x(L_y^* z) = L_x \langle y, z \rangle = \langle y, z \rangle x = (x \otimes y)(z), where the middle inequality uses (5). This verifies the claim and shows that we can write (3) with the understanding that the expression is to be formally interpreted as (6).


In this post, we generalized the outer product xy=xyx \otimes y = xy^\top on Rn\mathbb{R}^n to Hilbert space in two different, but equivalent, ways. Both approaches rely on viewing xyx \otimes y as a linear operator living in L(H,H)\mathcal{L}(H, H). The first approach indirectly defines xyx \otimes y through its action on other vectors zz and resulted in the defining relation (1). The second directly generalizes xyxy^\top from the finite-dimensional case by replacing the transpose with the adjoint, and viewing the expression xyxy^* formally, with the underlying rigorous interpretation given by (6).