Combining Samples From Non-mixing MCMC Chains

Consider a typical Bayesian model consisting of a joint data-parameter distribution p(y,θ)p(y,\theta). The goal is to characterize the posterior distribution π(θ):=p(θy=yobs)\pi(\theta) := p(\theta|y=y_{\text{obs}}), where yobsy_{\text{obs}} is the fixed data realization. In this post, we consider the setting where π\pi may contain many local modes. There are specialty MCMC algorithms (e.g., using tempering approaches) designed to be able to hop between modes, but in general sampling from such distributions is very challenging. An alternative perspective on this problem is to abandon the hope of designing an algorithm that will generate exact posterior samples and instead be content with “exploring” the most important regions of the parameter space. Multiple chains of a standard MCMC algorithm can be run from different initial conditions, with the hope that collectively the chains will identify the dominant modes of the posterior, even though individually each may be stuck in a single mode. This is the perspective taken in (Yao et al., 2022). The authors note the observation that it is often not difficult to achieve good within-chain mixing adapted to a local region of the posterior, even when it is near impossible to achieve such mixing with respect to the whole distribution. In this post, I summarize a few different approaches used in the literature that adopt this perspective. This is certainly not a comprehensive review, and I will likely add to this post if I come across new ideas.


Consider the typical problem of estimating the expectation of ϕ(θ)\phi(\theta), where θπ\theta \sim \pi, for some function ϕ()\phi(\cdot) (e.g., estimating a posterior mean or variance). This expectation is given by π(ϕ):=E[ϕ(θ)y=yobs]=ϕ(θ)π(dθ).(1) \pi(\phi) := \mathbb{E}[\phi(\theta)|y=y_{\text{obs}}] = \int \phi(\theta) \pi(d\theta). \tag{1} Suppose we run MM MCMC chains and obtain samples θm:={θm(k)}k=1Km\theta_m := \{\theta_m^{(k)}\}_{k=1}^{K_m} for each of the chains m=1,,Mm = 1, \dots, M. Here, KmK_m is the number of samples from the mthm^{\text{th}} chain and θm(k)\theta_m^{(k)} is the kthk^{\text{th}} draw from the mthm^{\text{th}} chain. We assume that each set of samples θm\theta_m is well-mixed with respect to a local region of the posterior, and that any burn-in has already been dropped. We can think of each θm\theta_m as a summary of one of the dominant modes of the distribution, but of course in reality it may be that we have completely missed some modes or multiple chains end up in the same mode. In any case, the question is now how to use the sets of samples θ1,,θM\theta_1, \dots, \theta_M to estimate (1). The problem is that even if the chains are well-mixed with respect to each mode, it is not obvious how to estimate the relative weights of the modes.

Some Basic Ideas

Perhaps the simplest approach is to simply weight all of the chains equally; i.e., compute the sample mean for each chain separately and then take an average of all the chain means. The gives the estimator π^(ϕ):=1Mm=1M1Kmk=1Kmϕ(θk(m)).(2) \hat{\pi}(\phi) := \frac{1}{M} \sum_{m=1}^{M} \frac{1}{K_m} \sum_{k=1}^{K_m} \phi(\theta_k^{(m)}). \tag{2}

A natural generalization is to introduce weights w1,,wMw_1, \dots, w_M that may differ for each chain, yielding π^(ϕ):=m=1MwmKmk=1Kmϕ(θk(m)).(3) \hat{\pi}(\phi) := \sum_{m=1}^{M} \frac{w_m}{K_m} \sum_{k=1}^{K_m} \phi(\theta_k^{(m)}). \tag{3} Note that (2) is a special case of (3) with wm:=M1w_m := M^{-1}. The question is how to choose these weights. In running the MCMC algorithm, we obtain information about the relative importance of different regions via the evaluation of the posterior density at each iteration. Let’s denote by m:={m(k)}k=1Km\ell_m := \{\ell_m^{(k)}\}_{k=1}^{K_m} and ρm:={ρm(k)}k=1Km\rho_m := \{\rho_m^{(k)}\}_{k=1}^{K_m} the log-likelihood and log (unnormalized) posterior density evaluations from chain mm. A natural choice for weights might then be wmexp{ˉm}w_m \propto \exp\{\bar{\ell}_m\} or wmexp{ρˉm}w_m \propto \exp\{\bar{\rho}_m\}, where ˉm\bar{\ell}_m and ρˉm\bar{\rho}_m denote the sample means of m\ell_m and ρm\rho_m, respectively; i.e., ˉm:=1Kmk=1Kmm(k)(4) \bar{\ell}_m := \frac{1}{K_m} \sum_{k=1}^{K_m} \ell_m^{(k)} \tag{4}

If one of the chains got stuck in a local mode in a negligible region of parameter space, then the log likelihood (or posterior density) evaluations in that region will be very small, so wm0w_m \approx 0.

A Simple Heuristic

We now explore a slight generalization of the above idea that was introduced in (Pritchard et al., 2000). The context in the paper is actually quite different; the heuristic is used to select the number of clusters in a clustering model. However, the idea nicely applies to the problem of combining nonmixing MCMC chains. The idea boils down to treating each chain as corresponding to a different “model” and set each weight wmw_m to an estimate of the corresponding marginal likelihood under that “model”. In reality, the only model here is p(θ,y)p(\theta,y) and the marginal likelihood is p(yobs):=p(y=yobs)=p(y=yobs,θ)π(dθ)(5) p(y_{\text{obs}}) := p(y=y_{\text{obs}}) = \int p(y=y_{\text{obs}}, \theta) \pi(d\theta) \tag{5} However, we will think of there being a marginal likelihood p(yobsM=m)p(y_{\text{obs}}|\mathcal{M}=m) corresponding to each of the MM chains. The idea is now to produce an estimate of p(yobsM=m)p(y_{\text{obs}}|\mathcal{M}=m) using the log-likelihood evaluations m\ell_m and then set the weight wmw_m to this estimate. Define the log of this quantity as Lm:=logp(yobsM=m),(6) \mathcal{L}_m := \log p(y_{\text{obs}}|\mathcal{M}=m), \tag{6} which we emphasize is random as a function of θπ\theta \sim \pi (see (5)). Assuming the individual chains are well-mixed, we can view m\ell_m as a set of (correlated) samples from Lm\mathcal{L}_m. Computing a Monte Carlo estimate of Lm\mathcal{L}_m and then exponentiating the result would produce wmexp{ˉm}w_m \propto \exp\{\bar{\ell}_m\}, the same weight mentioned in the previous section. The paper (Pritchard et al., 2000) considers an alternative heuristic: assume that Lm\mathcal{L}_m is Gaussian distributed. We estimate the mean ˉm\bar{\ell}_m as in (4), but now also estimate the variance σ^m2:=1Km1k=1Km(m(k)ˉm)2.(7) \hat{\sigma}^2_m := \frac{1}{K_m - 1} \sum_{k=1}^{K_m} \left(\ell^{(k)}_m - \bar{\ell}_m \right)^2. \tag{7} and approximate the distribution of Lm\mathcal{L}_m as L^mN(ˉm,σ^m2).(8) \hat{\mathcal{L}}_m \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\bar{\ell}_m, \hat{\sigma}^2_m\right). \tag{8} The chain weights are then set to wmE[exp{L^m}]=exp{ˉm+12σ^m2},(9) w_m \propto \mathbb{E}\left[\exp\left\{\hat{\mathcal{L}}_m\right\}\right] = \exp\left\{\bar{\ell}_m + \frac{1}{2}\hat{\sigma}^2_m \right\}, \tag{9} where we have used the expression for the expectation of a log-normal. As opposed to just using ˉm\bar{\ell}_m, the weight (9) also takes into account the variability of the samples in each chain. In a sense, ˉm\bar{\ell}_m captures the average height of the mode, while σ^m2\hat{\sigma}^2_m captures some notion of its width. This is completely heuristic, but at the very least it seems reasonable to take into account both the height of the modes, as well as the volume they occupy in parameter space, in estimating their relative importance.

Other resources

  1. Yao, Y., Vehtari, A., & Gelman, A. (2022). Stacking for Non-mixing Bayesian Computations: The Curse and Blessing of Multimodal Posteriors. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(79), 1–45.
  2. Pritchard, J. K., Stephens, M., & Donnelly, P. (2000). Inference of population structure using multilocus genotype data. Genetics, 155(2), 945–959.