Markov Melding
Combining and splitting models in a Bayesian framework.
In this post, I summarize a technique called Markov melding, originally proposed in Goudie et al (2023).
Motivation and Setup
Models of complex systems (climate, disease, etc.) are typically composed of many sub-models. For example, climate models couple together models of the atmosphere, land, ocean, and cryosphere. The component models may be developed largely in isolation, before being combined with the others to form a complex model for the whole system. In the context of Markov melding, we are considering that these component models are specified within a Bayesian framework, so that each component can be identified with a joint probability distribution of the component model parameters and data. Letting denote the number of components, we denote the density for the joint distribution of the submodel by \begin{align} &p_m(\phi, \psi_m, Y_m), &&m = 1, \dots, M \tag{1} \end{align} where denotes the data used in the submodel. The submodel parameters are and we make a distinction between component-specific parameters and parameters that are shared across all submodels. Goudie et al (2019) refer to as the link parameters. A typical modeling workflow might involve obtaining the posterior distributions for each submodel independently, and then combining them post-hoc in some fashion to study the system as a whole. Bayesian melding is an alternative approach that seeks to construct a joint distribution that combines all components into a unified probabilistic model. Then inference can proceed by characterizing the posterior distribution . The key distinction here is that all of the data is used to inform the parameters across all components. The isolated component posterior might look quite different from due to the influence of the other components.
On a final note before proceeding with the method, we emphasize the assumption that is the only link between the submodels. From a probabilistic standpoint, this implies that we will be considering joint distributions with the property that component-specific variables in any two distinct models are conditionally independent given the link parameter ; symbolically,
Markov Combination
We start with the assumption that the submodels are consistent in the sense that they all imply the same prior distribution on the link parameter ; i.e., The method of constructing a joint distribution under assumption (4) is referred to as Markov combination (Dawid and Lauritzen, 1993). This assumption makes the definition of a joint distribution relatively straightforward. Denoting the common prior on the link parameter by , the Markov combination approach defines a joint distribution by \begin{align} p_{\text{comb}}(\phi, \psi_1, \dots, \psi_M, Y_1, \dots, Y_M) &:= p_{\text{comb}}(\phi, \psi_1, \dots, \psi_M, Y_1, \dots, Y_M|\phi)p(\phi) \newline &:= p(\phi) \prod_{m=1}^{M} p_m(\psi_m, Y_m|\phi). \tag{5} \end{align} We emphasize the both of the above equalities are definitions, though both definitions are quite natural in this setting. The first ensures that the common prior is preserved by the joint distribution, while the second defines the conditional density (conditional on ) using the conditional independence properties noted in (3). This ensures the submodel distributions are also preserved. Specifically, (5) satisfies It will be useful to rewrite (5) as \begin{align} p_{\text{comb}}(\phi, \psi_1, \dots, \psi_M, Y_1, \dots, Y_M) &= p(\phi) \prod_{m=1}^{M} p_m(\psi_m, Y_m|\phi) \newline &= p(\phi) \prod_{m=1}^{M} \frac{p_m(\phi, \psi_m, Y_m)}{p(\phi)} \newline &= \frac{1}{p(\phi)^{M-1}} \prod_{m=1}^{M} p_m(\phi, \psi_m, Y_m), \tag{7} \end{align} which shows that is just the product of the submodel distributions , normalized by to account for the fact that the prior is multiplied times in the product. From the expression (7), we may easily verify (6); letting and similarly for , we obtain \begin{align} p_{\text{comb}}(\phi, \psi_m, Y_m) &= \int p_{\text{comb}}(\phi, \psi_1, \dots, \psi_M, Y_1, \dots, Y_M) d\psi_{-m}dY_{-m} \newline &= \frac{1}{p(\phi)^{M-1}}p_m(\phi, \psi_m, Y_m) \prod_{\ell \neq m} \int p_m(\phi, \psi_m, Y_m) d\psi_\ell dY_\ell \newline &= \frac{1}{p(\phi)^{M-1}}p_m(\phi, \psi_m, Y_m) \prod_{\ell \neq m} p_\ell(\phi) \newline &= \frac{1}{p(\phi)^{M-1}}p_m(\phi, \psi_m, Y_m) p(\phi)^{M-1} \newline &= p_m(\phi, \psi_m, Y_m). \end{align}
While the definition (5) seems somewhat natural, one may wish for a more quantitative justification. To this end, Massa and Lauritzen (2010) show that has maximal entropy among all distributions satisfying the constraints (6). Loosely speaking, this tells us that is the least constrained of all the distributions satisfying (6), a desirable property in the absence of additional knowledge on the relative merits of the submodels.
Markov Melding
Goudie et al (2019) consider propose a generalization of Markov combination to the setting where the marginals may not be consistent across submodels. In this case, we can no longer simply pull out the common prior in the first line of definition (5). To address this, the authors’ propose first replacing the marginals with a common “pooled” prior . After performing this “marginal replacement”, Markov combination can then be applied with respect to the modified submodels.
Marginal Replacement
We first consider modifying the submodels to ensure they are consistent with respect to the marginal of the link parameter. The idea is to replace the original submodels with modifications that share a common -marginal: \begin{align} p_{\text{repl},m}(\phi, \psi_m, Y_m) &:= p_{\text{pool}}(\phi) p_m(\psi_m, Y_m | \phi) \tag{8} \newline &= \frac{p_{\text{pool}}(\phi)}{p_m(\phi)} p_m(\phi, \psi_m, Y_m). \tag{9} \end{align} We see in (8) that the submodel conditional (on ) is unchanged by the marginal replacement. The expression (9) gives an alternative viewpoint, where we view the original joint submodel distribution as re-weighted by some modification factor . This, of course, begs the question of how to choose . Naturally, we would hope this distribution adequately summarizes the original marginals in some sense. We put aside this question for the time being, and assume that we have fixed some pooled prior . Given that a common prior has been chosen, Goudie et al (2019) provides some justification for the definition (9): where In words, the marginally replaced distribution minimizes the KL-divergence with respect to over all distributions with -marginals equal to .
Markov Combination with respect to the modified submodels
We can now apply Markov combination with respect to the modified submodels . Following (5), define \begin{align} p_{\text{meld}}(\phi, \psi_1, \dots, \psi_M, Y_1, \dots, Y_M) &:= p_{\text{pool}}(\phi) \prod_{m=1}^{M} p_{\text{repl},m}(\psi_m, Y_m|\phi) \newline &= p_{\text{pool}}(\phi) \prod_{m=1}^{M} p_{m}(\psi_m, Y_m|\phi), \tag{10} \end{align} where the second equality uses the fact that marginal replacement preserves the conditionals (see (9)). We can alternatively expand (10) as which provides a direct comparison to (7). All of the facts noted for Markov combination still apply here, but now with respect to the marginally replaced models , not the original submodels. In particular, we have that but in general meaning that does not preserve the submodel joint distributions. However, still does enjoy the conditional preservation property: which should be somewhat intuitive given that the marginal replacement method does not modify the conditionals (see (8)). To verify this, apply (11) to see that \begin{align} p_{\text{meld}}(\psi_1, \dots, \psi_M, Y_1, \dots, Y_M|\phi) &= \frac{p_{\text{meld}}(\phi, \psi_1, \dots, \psi_M, Y_1, \dots, Y_M)}{p_{\text{pool}}(\phi)} \newline &= \frac{1}{p_{\text{pool}}(\phi)} p_{\text{pool}}(\phi) \prod_{m=1}^{M} \frac{p_{m}(\phi, \psi_m, Y_m)}{p_m(\phi)} \newline &= \prod_{m=1}^{M} p_{m}(\psi_m, Y_m|\phi). \tag{15} \end{align} We see from (15) that still preserved the conditional independence structure summarized in (3), and that (14) falls out as a result.
Deterministic Variables
Goudie et al (2019) also consider the scenario where the link variable may appear in a submodel as a deterministic function of the other submodel variables, rather than being explicitly defined by the joint distribution . In particular, suppose one of the submodels takes the form \begin{align} &p_{\theta}(\theta, \psi, Y), &&\phi = f(\theta), \tag{16} \end{align} for some deterministic, differentiable map with . If and is invertible, then the density of is given by the change-of-variables formula where denotes the determinant of the Jacobian evaluated at ; . Next, consider the case where . Here, we assume that can be extended to an invertible function of the form \begin{align} \tilde{f}(\theta) &= \begin{bmatrix} f(\theta) \newline g(\theta) \end{bmatrix}, &&g: \mathbb{R}^{\ell} \to \mathbb{R}^{\ell-k}. \tag{18} \end{align} The density of induced by the distribution on is then given by Similarly, we can consider the change-of-variables for the complete joint distribution We can then obtain the desired submodel distribution over by marginalizing the nuisance parameter : One concern here is that this procedure will produce difference results for different choices of the extension function . Goudie et al (2019) show that this is not the case.
We now consider algorithmic methods for characterizing the posterior distribution So long as the joint density can be evaluated pointwise, then one can consider applying a general-purpose inference algorithm (e.g., Metropolis-Hastings) in the typical fashion. Goudie et al (2019) consider some specific MCMC algorithms that are tailored to the specific structure in the density (22). Throughout this section we will utilize the shorthand and for brevity. Here, denotes a particular fixed realization of the data random variable . In considering Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithms, we will write and to indicate the proposed and current values, respectively, of the submodel parameter (and likewise for ).
The structure of (22) suggests updating the component-specific parameters one at a time, and hence a Metropolis-within-Gibbs (MwG) scheme.
We first consider updating conditional on all other parameters. This implies a MH update with respect to the target density . The standard MH update consists of the following steps:
- Propose a new value: .
- Accept the new value with probability:
where Here, is the proposal density, with denoting the density of proposing . The acceptance ratio simplifies considerably in this case, since:
\begin{align} \frac{p_{\text{meld}}(\psi_m^|y_{1:M}, \phi, \psi_{-m})}{p_{\text{meld}}(\psi_m|y_{1:M}, \phi, \psi_{-m})} &\propto \frac{p_{\text{meld}}(\psi_m^, y_{1:M}, \phi, \psi_{-m})}{p_{\text{meld}}(\psi_m, y_{1:M}, \phi, \psi_{-m})} \end{align}
where we have simply plugged in expression (11) and cancelled terms. Notice that the resulting expression, (24), only contains terms related to the the submodel. In other words, (24) is the exact density ratio we would obtain if considering a MwG scheme applied only to the submodel in isolation.
We next consider updating the link parameter, conditional on all component-specific parameters. We similarly consider some proposal , in which case the density ratio becomes
- Joining and Splitting Models with Markov Melding (Goudie et al., 2019)
- Combining chains of Bayesian models with Markov melding (Manderson and Goudie, 2023)
- A numerically stable algorithm for integrating Bayesian models using Markov melding (Manderson and Goudie, 2022)
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- Massa MS, Lauritzen SL. Combining statistical models. In: Viana MAG, Wynn HP, editors. Contemporary Mathematics: Algebraic Methods in Statistics and Probability II. 2010. pp. 239–260. 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 23.
- Poole D, Raftery AE. Inference for deterministic simulation models: The Bayesian melding approach. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 2000;95(452):1244–1255. 2, 7, 23.