The Kalman Filter

I discuss the Kalman filter from both the probabilistic and optimization perspectives, and provide multiple derivations of the Kalman update.

Originally introduced in R.E. Kalman’s seminal 1960 paper, the Kalman filter has found a myriad of applications in fields as disparate as robotics and economics. In short, the Kalman filter (KF) gives the closed-form solutions to the filtering problem (see my previous post) defining the filtering problem) in the linear-Gaussian setting; that is, the deterministic dynamic model and observaton operator are each linear and subject to additive Gaussian noise, and the initial condition is also Gaussian. As in other models with Gaussian noise, the KF can alternatively be viewed as an optimization algorithm, which is optimal in the sense of minimizing the quadratic loss. Indeed, this optimization perspective was the one originally considered by Kalman in the original paper. In this post I begin by deriving the KF equations in the Bayesian statistical setting in two different ways. The two derivations produce two different sets of equations, which I show are equivalent through an application of the Woodbury matrix identity. I then proceed to the optimization perspective, which is interesting in its own right as well as providing motivation for more complex algorithms used in the nonlinear setting.

The Model and Problem

State Space Model

The setting for the KF is the discrete-time, linear Gaussian state space model \begin{align} v_{k+1} &= Gv_k + \eta_{k+1} && \eta_{k+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, Q) \tag{1} \newline y_{k+1} &= Hv_{k+1} + \epsilon_{k+1}, && \epsilon_{k+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, R) \newline v_0 &\sim \mathcal{N}(m_0, C_0) \newline \{\epsilon_k\} &\perp \{\eta_k\} \perp v_0 \end{align} with states vkRdv_k \in \mathbb{R}^d, observations ykRny_k \in \mathbb{R}^n, forward dynamics operator GRd×dG \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}, and observation operator HRn×dH \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times d}. The final line concisely encodes the key conditional independence assumptions. We will use the notation Yk={y1,,yk}Y_k = \{y_1, \dots, y_k\} to denote the collection of observations through time kk.

The Filtering Problem

Let μk\mu_k denote the conditional distribution vkYkv_k|Y_k, which we call the filtering distribution at time kk, which admits a Lebesgue density πk(vk):=p(vkYk)\pi_k(v_k) := p(v_k|Y_k). With this notation established we can state the overarching goal, which is two-fold:

  1. Characterize the filtering distribution μk\mu_k, and
  2. Recursively update this characterization as the time index is stepped forward.

What it means to “characterize” a distribution can vary, and often entails some sort of approximation to the true distribution. However, the linear Gaussian setting is special in that the filtering distributions are available in closed-form. The derivation of the KF thus entails performing analytical calculations to derive the closed-form distribution μk+1\mu_{k+1} as a function μk\mu_k.

The Kalman Filter Equations

As we will shortly show, the filtering distributions in the linear Gaussian setting are themselves Gaussian, and we will denote their densities by πk(vk)=N(vkmk,Ck)\pi_k(v_k) = \mathcal{N}(v_k|m_k, C_k). The problem of determining the update
πk(vk)πk+1(vk+1)\pi_k(v_k) \to \pi_{k+1}(v_{k+1}) thus simplifies to that of establishing recursions for the filtering mean and covariance; i.e., mkmk+1m_k \to m_{k+1} and CkCk+1C_k \to C_{k+1}. The following propositions summarize the main result, providing these recursions in two different (but equivalent) forms. These filtering equations are broken into two stages, following the forecast and analysis steps that I discussed in this post. Derivations of these equations are given in the subsequent sections.

Proposition. Given the state space model (1), the forecast and filtering distributions are both Gaussian \begin{align} &v_{k+1}|Y_{k} \sim \mathcal{N}(\hat{m}_{k+1}, \hat{C}_{k+1}), &&v_{k+1}|Y_{k+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(m_{k+1}, C_{k+1}) \end{align} with the forecast mean and covariance given by \begin{align} \hat{C}_{k+1} &= G C_k G^\top + Q \tag{2} \newline \hat{m}_{k+1} &= Gm_k. \end{align} The recursions for the filtering mean and covariance are given below in two equivalent forms.

Filtering Equations: State Space. The mean and covariance of the filtering distribution can be written as \begin{align} C_{k+1} &= \left(H^\top R^{-1} H + \hat{C}^{-1}_{k+1}\right)^{-1} \tag{3} \newline m_{k+1} &= C_{k+1}\left(H^\top R^{-1}y_{k+1} + \hat{C}^{-1}_{k+1} \hat{m}_{k+1} \right). \end{align} We refer to this as the state space representation due to the fact that the primary linear algebra computations (most notably, the matrix inversion) are performed in Rd\mathbb{R}^d.

Filtering Equations: Data Space. The mean and covariance can alternatively be written as \begin{align} C_{k+1} &= \left(I - K_{k+1}H\right)\hat{C}_{k+1} \tag{4} \newline m_{k+1} &= \hat{m}_{k+1} + K_{k+1}(y_{k+1} - H\hat{m}_{k+1}), \end{align} where Kk+1:=C^k+1H(HC^k+1H+R)1. K_{k+1} := \hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top \left(H\hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top + R\right)^{-1}. We refer to this as the data space representation since the primary computations are performed in Rn\mathbb{R}^n.

Investigating the Formulas

Before diving into the derivations, we note some initial properties on the KF formulas (3). We begin by noting that the forecast mean update mkm^k+1m_k \mapsto \hat{m}_{k+1} is linear, and the analysis update m^k+1mk+1\hat{m}_{k+1} \mapsto m_{k+1} is affine; thus, the composition of the two steps defining the map mkmk+1m_k \mapsto m_{k+1} is also affine. We similarly see that the covariance forecast update CkC^k+1C_k \mapsto \hat{C}_{k+1} is affine, while the analysis update C^k+1Ck+1\hat{C}_{k+1} \mapsto C_{k+1} is nonlinear (due to the inverse). Viewed in terms of the precision matrix, the map C^k+11Ck+11\hat{C}^{-1}_{k+1} \mapsto C^{-1}_{k+1} is affine. The forecast formulas are quite straightforward, as they simply represent the forward propagation of uncertainty through the linear dynamics model (see the derivation in the next section). The analysis formulas are a bit more interesting. The mean update can be viewed as a weighted average of the data yk+1y_{k+1} and the prior mean m^k+1\hat{m}_{k+1}, with the weights determined by observation and forecast precision matrices, relative to the covariance of the filtering distribution. In the one-dimensional case where the covariance matrices are scalars, then the weights reduce to the fraction of these precisions over the total precision of the filtering distribution (the data precision is also affected by HH, but the interpretation is basically the same). The analysis precision matrix can similarly be viewed as a weighted average of the data and forecast precisions. Importantly, notice that the covariance analysis update does not depend on the data yk+1y_{k+1}; the uncertainty in the filtering distribution is not at all affected by the sequence of observations. This may seem odd at first, but this property is shared by all linear Gaussian models, frequentist and Bayesian alike (recall that in a basic linear regression model with Gaussian noise the standard error of the coefficient estimator similarly is not a function of the observed response).

TODO: note that can generalize to time-varying Q and R, complexity, pos-def, weighted sum.

Bayesian Derivation

We begin with an approach aligns directly with the derivations of the generic forecast and analysis updates derived in the previous post. These generic updates are typically analytically intractable, but in the linear Gaussian setting all of the calculations go through neatly in closed-form. The derivation proceeds inductively; note that the base case is provided by the initial condition v0N(m0,C0)v_0 \sim \mathcal{N}(m_0, C_0). The inductive hypothesis assumes that vkYkN(mk,Ck)v_k|Y_k \sim \mathcal{N}(m_k, C_k) and it remains for us to show that vk+1Yk+1N(mk+1,Ck+1)v_{k+1}|Y_{k+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(m_{k+1}, C_{k+1}) with the mean and covariance formulas as given in (1).


As an intermediate step we start by obtaining the forecast distribution vk+1Ykv_{k+1}|Y_k. This distribution becomes clear when we consider that vk+1v_{k+1} is given by \begin{align} v_{k+1} &= Gv_k + \eta_{k+1} \newline v_k|Y_k &\sim \mathcal{N}(m_k, C_k) \newline \eta_{k+1} &\sim \mathcal{N}(0, Q), \end{align} where vkYkv_k|Y_k and ηk+1\eta_{k+1} are independent. Hence, conditional on YkY_k, GvkGv_k is also Gaussian and so is the sum Gvk+ηk+1Gv_k + \eta_{k+1}. We thus have vk+1YkN(m^k+1,C^k+1)v_{k+1}|Y_k \sim \mathcal{N}(\hat{m}_{k+1}, \hat{C}_{k+1}) with mean and covariance given by \begin{align} \hat{m}_{k+1} &= \mathbb{E}[v_{k+1}|Y_k] = G\mathbb{E}[v_k|Y_k] + \mathbb{E}[\eta_{k+1}|Y_k] = Gm_k \newline \hat{C}_{k+1} &= \text{Cov}\left[v_{k+1}|Y_k \right] = G\text{Cov}\left[v_k|Y_k \right]G^\top + \text{Cov}\left[\eta_{k+1}|Y_k \right] = GC_kG^\top + Q, \end{align} using the linearity of GG and the independence of vkv_k and ηk+1\eta_{k+1}, conditional on YkY_k. This verifies the equations in (2).


We recall that the analysis step of the filtering update corresponds to an application of Bayes’ rule,

\begin{align} \pi_{k+1}(v_{k+1}) &\propto p(y_{k+1}|v_{k+1}) \hat{\pi}_{k+1}(v_{k+1}) \newline &= \mathcal{N}(y_{k+1}|Hv_{k+1}, R)\mathcal{N}(v_{k+1}|\hat{m}_{k+1}, \hat{C}_{k+1}),
\end{align} and thus deriving πk+1(vk)\pi_{k+1}(v_k) amounts to deriving the posterior distribution in a linear Gaussian regression model. To do so, we write out the Gaussian densities, suppressing terms without vk+1v_{k+1} dependence, and do a bit of algebra. \begin{align} \pi_{k+1}(v_{k+1}) &\propto \mathcal{N}(y_{k+1}|Hv_{k+1}, R)\mathcal{N}(v_{k+1}|\hat{m}_{k+1}, \hat{C}_{k+1}) \newline &\propto \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}(y_{k+1}-Hv_{k+1})^\top R^{-1}(y_{k+1}-Hv_{k+1})\right) \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}(v_{k+1}-\hat{m}_{k+1})^\top \hat{C}_{k+1}^{-1}(v_{k+1}-\hat{m}_{k+1})\right) \newline &\propto \exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\left[v_{k+1}^\top(H^\top R^{-1}H + \hat{C}_{k+1}^{-1})v_{k+1} -2v_{k+1}^\top(H^\top R^{-1}y_{k+1} + \hat{C}_{k+1}^{-1}\hat{m}_{k+1})\right] \right) \end{align} Since πk+1(vk+1)\pi_{k+1}(v_{k+1}) is proportional to the exponential of an expression which is quadratic in vk+1v_{k+1}, we immediately know that it must be Gaussian. To find the mean mk+1m_{k+1} and covariance Ck+1C_{k+1} of this Gaussian, we set the term in square brackets equal to

\begin{align} (v_{k+1} - m_{k+1})^\top C_{k+1}^{-1}(v_{k+1} - m_{k+1}) &= v_{k+1}^\top C_{k+1}^{-1}v_{k+1} - 2v_{k+1}^\top C_{k+1}^{-1}m_{k+1} + m_{k+1}^\top C_{k+1}^{-1} m_{k+1} \end{align}

and equate like terms. Doing so yields \begin{align} C_{k+1} &= \left(H^\top R^{-1}H + \hat{C}_{k+1}^{-1}\right)^{-1} \newline m_{k+1} &= C_{k+1}\left(H^\top R^{-1}y_{k+1} + \hat{C}_{k+1}^{-1}\hat{m}_{k+1}\right), \end{align} which completes the derivation of (3). In another post I derive the posterior distribution for generic linear Gaussian inverse problems; we could have skipped the above derivations by simply applying this result.

A Second Derivation of the Analysis Step: The Joint Gaussian Approach

We now explore a second derivation of the KF equations, which yield the second form of the equations presented in (4). The key observation here is that the joint distribution of (vk+1,yk+1)Yk(v_{k+1},y_{k+1})|Y_k is Gaussian \begin{align} \begin{pmatrix} v_{k+1} \newline y_{k+1} \end{pmatrix}\bigg|Y_k \tag{5} \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\begin{pmatrix} \hat{m}_{k+1} \newline H\hat{m}_{k+1} \end{pmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix} \hat{C}_{k+1} & \hat{C}^{vy}_{k+1} \newline \hat{C}^{yv}_{k+1} & \hat{C}^y_{k+1} \end{pmatrix} \right), \end{align} where we have denoted C^k+1vy=Cov[vk+1,yk+1Yk]\hat{C}^{vy}_{k+1} = \text{Cov}[v_{k+1},y_{k+1}|Y_k], C^k+1yv=(C^k+1vy)\hat{C}^{yv}_{k+1} = \left(\hat{C}^{vy}_{k+1}\right)^\top, and C^k+1y=Cov[yk+1Yk]\hat{C}^y_{k+1} = \text{Cov}[y_{k+1}|Y_k] (see the appendix for the proof that this joint distribution really is Gaussian). We have already derived the expressions for m^k+1\hat{m}_{k+1} and C^k+1\hat{C}_{k+1} in the previous section so we need only focus on C^k+1vy\hat{C}^{vy}_{k+1} and C^k+1y\hat{C}^y_{k+1} here. Utilizing the conditional independence assumptions in the state space model we have,

\begin{align} \hat{C}^{vy}_{k+1} = \text{Cov}[v_{k+1},y_{k+1}|Y_k] &= \text{Cov}[v_{k+1},Hv_{k+1} + \epsilon_{k+1}|Y_k] \newline &= \text{Cov}[v_{k+1},Hv_{k+1}|Y_k] + \text{Cov}[v_{k+1},\epsilon_{k+1}|Y_k] \newline &= \text{Cov}[v_{k+1},v_{k+1}|Y_k]H^\top \newline &= \hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top \end{align}


\begin{align} \hat{C}^{y}_{k+1} = \text{Cov}[y_{k+1},y_{k+1}|Y_k] &= \text{Cov}[Hv_{k+1} + \epsilon_{k+1},Hv_{k+1} + \epsilon_{k+1}|Y_k] \newline &= \text{Cov}[Hv_{k+1},Hv_{k+1}|Y_k] + 2\text{Cov}[Hv_{k+1},\epsilon_{k+1}|Y_k] + \text{Cov}[\epsilon_{k+1}|Y_k] \newline &= H \hat{C}_{k+1} H^\top + R. \end{align}

With the specification of this joint distribution complete, we note that the filtering distribution we care about, vk+1Yk+1=vk+1yk+1,Ykv_{k+1}|Y_{k+1} = v_{k+1}|y_{k+1},Y_k is a conditional distribution of (5); in particular, it is the conditional distribution resulting from conditioning on the final nn dimensions. Applying the closed-form equation for Gaussian conditionals, we conclude that vk+1Yk+1N(mk+1,Ck+1)v_{k+1}|Y_{k+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(m_{k+1}, C_{k+1}), where

\begin{align} m_{k+1} &= \hat{m}_{k+1} + \hat{C}^{vy}_{k+1}\left[\hat{C}^y_{k+1}\right]^{-1}(y_{k+1} - H\hat{m}_{k+1}) \tag{6} \newline C_{k+1} &= \hat{C}_{k+1} - \hat{C}^{vy}_{k+1}\left[\hat{C}^y_{k+1}\right]^{-1}\hat{C}^{yv}. \end{align}

Typically, these equations are written in terms of the d×nd \times n Kalman gain matrix

\begin{align} K_{k+1} &:= \hat{C}^{vy}_{k+1} \left[\hat{C}^y_{k+1}\right]^{-1} = \hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top \left(H\hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top + R\right)^{-1}, \tag{7} \end{align}

which gives

\begin{align} m_{k+1} &= \hat{m}_{k+1} + K_{k+1}(y_{k+1} - H\hat{m}_{k+1}) \tag{8} \newline C_{k+1} &= \hat{C}_{k+1} - K_{k+1}\hat{C}^{yv}_{k+1} = \left(I - K_{k+1}H\right)\hat{C}_{k+1}, \end{align} precisely the updates given in (4). Note that inserting the formulas for m^k+1\hat{m}_{k+1} and C^k+1\hat{C}_{k+1} provides the equations defining the complete maps mkmk+1m_k \mapsto m_{k+1} and CkCk+1C_k \mapsto C_{k+1}.

Understanding the Kalman Gain

Proposition: Different Expressions for the Kalman Gain. The Kalman gain $$ K_{k+1} := \hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top \left(H\hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top + R\right)^{-1} \tag{9} $$ admits the equivalent expressions $$ K_{k+1} = \hat{C}^{vy}_{k+1}\left(\hat{C}^{y}_{k+1} \right)^{-1} \tag{10} $$ and $$ K_{k+1} = C_{k+1}H^\top R^{-1}. \tag{11} $$

The equivalence between (9) and (10) was already established in (7), and the equivalence of (11) is proved in the appendix.

The Optimization Perspective

The preceding derivations adopt a Bayesian perspective, with mkm_k and CkC_k interpreted as the mean and covariance of the posterior distribution p(vkYk)p(v_k | Y_k). We now investigate an alternative view in which mkm_k is interpreted as the solution to a regularized optimization problem. In this section we will only concern ourselves with point estimates of the states, with the covariances playing the role of weights in the objective functions. Throughout this section we will utilize the following notation for the inner product and norm weighted by a positive definite matrix CC: \begin{align} &\langle u, v \rangle_{C} := \langle C^{-1}u, v\rangle, && \lVert u \rVert_{C} := \lVert C^{-1/2}u \rVert_2 \tag{9} \end{align} with the inner product and norm on the righthand side being of the standard Euclidean variety. We will also let R(C)\mathcal{R}(C) denote the range (i.e., column space) of a matrix CC.

Tikhonov Regularized Optimization Perspective. The filtering mean mkm_k solves the optimization problem mk:=argminvRd{12ykHvR2+12vm^kC^k2}.(10) m_k := \text{argmin}_{v \in \mathbb{R}^d} \left\{\frac{1}{2} \lVert y_k - Hv \rVert^2_{R} + \frac{1}{2} \lVert v - \hat{m}_k \rVert^2_{\hat{C}_k}\right\}. \tag{10}

The first term encourages agreement with the observation, while the second promotes agreement with the forecast mean. These two objectives are weighted by the observation covariance RR and forecast covariance C^k\hat{C}_k, respectively. These covariances encode the uncertainty in the observations and model forecasts. The first term in the objective is a typical L2L_2 regression objective, while the second can be viewed as a regularization term of the Tikhonov variety (also referred to as ridge regression). The proof of (10) is immediate upon noticing that (10) defines the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of πk\pi_{k}. We already know that πk\pi_{k} is Gaussian and hence its mean agrees with its mode. Therefore, the mean mkm_k is indeed the optimizer. To make the connection more explicit, observe that πk(v)N(ykHv,R)N(vm^k,C^k)exp{12ykHvR2}exp{12vm^kC^k2}. \pi_k(v) \propto \mathcal{N}(y_k|Hv, R)\mathcal{N}(v|\hat{m}_k, \hat{C}_k) \propto \exp\left\{-\frac{1}{2}\lVert y_k - Hv\rVert^2_{R} \right\} \exp\left\{-\frac{1}{2}\lVert v - \hat{m}_k \rVert^2_{\hat{C}_k} \right\}. Negating the above expression and taking the logarithm gives the objective function in (10). Note that the normalizing constants in the two Gaussian densities being multiplied do not depend on vv and are thus absorbed in the proportionality sign. For more details on this perspective, see my (post)[] on linear Gaussian inverse problems. For a more sophisticated optimization perspective that allows C^k+1\hat{C}_{k+1} to be singular, see (this)[] post.


  1. Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation (Stuart, Taeb, and Sanz-Alonso)


Extra details for the Joint Gaussian Derivation

We verify that the distribution (vk+1,yk+1)Yk(v_{k+1},y_{k+1})|Y_k is actually joint Gaussian, as claimed. Everything in this section will be conditional on YkY_k so when I write vkv_k I am referring to the random vector with distribution N(mk,Ck)\mathcal{N}(m_k, C_k). To establish the claim, we will show that \begin{align} \begin{pmatrix} v_{k+1} \newline y_{k+1} \end{pmatrix} = a + Bz \end{align} for some non-random vector aa, non-random matrix BB, and zN(0,I)z \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I). This is in fact one of the ways that the joint Gaussian distribution can be defined. Proceeding with the proof, we recall that yk+1y_{k+1} and vk+1v_{k+1} are defined by \begin{align} v_{k+1} &= Gv_k + \eta_{k+1} && \eta_{k+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, Q) \tag{1} \newline y_{k+1} &= Hv_{k+1} + \epsilon_{k+1}, && \epsilon_{k+1} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, R), \end{align} so the goal here will be to re-write the righthand side so that the only random quantities are iid standard normal random variables. To this end, consider \begin{align} v_{k+1} &= Gv_k + \eta_{k+1} \newline &= G(m_k + C_k^{1/2}z_v) + Q^{1/2}z_{\eta} \end{align} where zvN(0,Id)z_v \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I_{d}) and zηN(0,Id)z_{\eta} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I_{d}). We note that the term vk+1v_{k+1} appears also in the observation equation, so we re-use the above derivaton to obtain \begin{align} y_{k+1} &= Hv_{k+1} + \epsilon_{k+1} \newline &= H\left[G(m_k + C_k^{1/2}z_v) + Q^{1/2}z_{\eta}\right] + R^{1/2}z_{\epsilon} \end{align} where zϵN(0,In)z_\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I_n). Crucially, we note that the conditional independence assumptions of the state space model imply that zvz_v, zηz_\eta, and zϵz_\epsilon are all pairwise independent, which implies that they can be concatenated to obtain z:=(zv,zη,zϵ)N(0,I2d+n)z := (z_v, z_\eta, z_\epsilon)^\top \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I_{2d+n}). We have therefore found that \begin{align} \begin{pmatrix} v_{k+1} \newline y_{k+1} \end{pmatrix} &= \begin{pmatrix} Gm_k \newline HGm_k \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} GC_k^{1/2} & Q^{1/2} & 0 \newline HGC_k^{1/2} & HQ^{1/2} & R^{1/2} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} z_v \newline z_\eta \newline z_{\epsilon} \end{pmatrix}, \end{align} which is of the required form a+Bza + Bz, with BR(d+n)×(2d+n)B \in \mathbb{R}^{(d+n)\times(2d+n)} Therefore, (vk+1,yk+1)Yk(v_{k+1},y_{k+1})|Y_k is indeed joint Gaussian distributed. It is also interesting to note that, conditional on YkY_k, the joint distribution of (vk+1,yk+1)(v_{k+1}, y_{k+1}) depends on 2d+n2d+n sources of independent Gaussian noise. All of the interesting correlations and complexities stem from linearly combining these Gaussian variables.

The Woodbury Matrix Identity

We state without proof the Woodbury identity here, which is useful in converting between the state space and data space KF formulations.

Woodbury Matrix Identity. Consider matrices CRn×nC \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}, ARd×dA \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}, URd×nU \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times n} and VRn×dV \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times d} such that CC, AA, and (A1+VC1U)(A^{-1} + VC^{-1}U) are invertible. Then (C+UAV)1=C1C1U(A1+VC1U)1VC1. (C + UAV)^{-1} = C^{-1} - C^{-1}U\left(A^{-1} + VC^{-1}U \right)^{-1} VC^{-1}.

Proof: Alternative Formula for the Kalman Gain

In this section we verify formula (11), which claims that the Kalman gain (7) can also be written as Kk+1=Ck+1HR1. K_{k+1} = C_{k+1}H^\top R^{-1}. This fact follows from the identity HR1(HC^k+1H+R)=(C^k+11+HR1H)C^k+1H, H^\top R^{-1}\left(H\hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top + R \right) = \left(\hat{C}^{-1}_{k+1} + H^\top R^{-1}H \right)\hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top, which can be verified by simply distributing the terms on each side of the equality. Under the KF assumptions, both terms in parentheses above are invertible; indeed, (1) (HC^k+1H+R)\left(H\hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top + R \right) is positive definite since RR is positive definite; and (2) (C^k+11+HR1H)\left(\hat{C}^{-1}_{k+1} + H^\top R^{-1}H \right) is positive definite since C^k+1\hat{C}_{k+1} (and hence its inverse) is positive definite. An alternative sufficient condition for the latter expression to be positive definite is for HH to have full column rank. With the invertibility established, we obtain (C^k+11+HR1H)1HR1=C^k+1H(HC^k+1H+R)1, \left(\hat{C}^{-1}_{k+1} + H^\top R^{-1}H \right)^{-1} H^\top R^{-1} = \hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top \left(H\hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top + R \right)^{-1}, where we recognize the righthand side as Kk+1K_{k+1}. Plugging Ck+1=(C^k+11+HR1H)1C_{k+1} = \left(\hat{C}^{-1}_{k+1} + H^\top R^{-1}H \right)^{-1} into the lefthand side completes the proof. \qquad \blacksquare

Proof: Equivalence of State Space and Data Space KF Updates

We showed above that different derivations of the mean and covariance KF recursions result in different update formulae, one of which requires a matrix inversion in the dd-dimensional state space and the other requires a matrix inversion in the nn-dimensional data space. In this section, we prove the equivalence of these two representations by leveraging the Woodbury matrix identity and the alternative expression for the Kalman gain, both stated in the appendix above.

Starting with the state space equations (3), we apply the Woodbury identity to the covariance update formula by setting (in the Woodbury notation used above) C:=C^k+11C := \hat{C}^{-1}_{k+1}, A:=R1A := R^{-1}, U:=HU := H^\top, and V:=HV := H. Doing so yields (HR1H+C^k+11)1=C^k+1C^k+1H(R+HC^k+1H)1HC^k+1. \left(H^\top R^{-1} H + \hat{C}^{-1}_{k+1}\right)^{-1} = \hat{C}_{k+1} - \hat{C}_{k+1} H^\top \left(R + H \hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top \right)^{-1} H \hat{C}_{k+1}. Recognizing the Kalman gain Kk+1=C^k+1H(R+HC^k+1H)1K_{k+1} = \hat{C}_{k+1} H^\top \left(R + H \hat{C}_{k+1}H^\top \right)^{-1} we see that the righthand side is equal to (IKk+1H)C^k+1(I - K_{k+1}H)\hat{C}_{k+1}, which is the covariance update given in (8). We now proceed with the mean update formula. Again starting with the state space formulation (3), we have

\begin{align} m_{k+1} &= C_{k+1}\left(H^\top R^{-1}y_{k+1} + \hat{C}^{-1}_{k+1} \hat{m}_{k+1} \right) \newline &= \left(C_{k+1}H^\top R^{-1} \right)y_{k+1} + C_{k+1}\hat{C}^{-1}_{k+1} \hat{m}_{k+1} \newline &= K_{k+1}y_{k+1} + (I - K_{k+1}H)\hat{C}_{k+1} \hat{C}_{k+1}^{-1}\hat{m}_{k+1} \newline &= K_{k+1}y_{k+1} + (I - K_{k+1}H) \hat{m}_{k+1} \newline &= \hat{m}_{k+1} + K_{k+1}(y_{k+1} - H\hat{m}_{k+1}), \end{align}

where the second equality uses the alternative expression for the Kalman gain (11) and the third plugs in the state space expression for Ck+1C_{k+1}. We recognize the final expression as the mean update in (4), as desired. \qquad \blacksquare


  1. B. M. Bell and F. W. Cathey. The iterated Kalman filter update as a Gauss- Newton method. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 38(2):294–297, 1993.