Many thanks to Gregory Gundersen for the blog theme.

A Few Different Adaptive Metropolis Schemes

Adaptively updating a Gaussian proposal covariance for Random Walk Metropolis-Hastings samplers.

Active Subspaces

An introduction to dimensionality reduction via active subspaces.

Gaussian Measures, Part 2 - The Multivariate Case

A fairly deep dive into Gaussian measures in finitely many dimensions. The next step in building up to the infinite-dimensional case.

Gaussian Measures, Part 1 - The Univariate Case

A brief introduction to Gaussian measures in one dimension, serving to provide the setup for an extension to multiple, and eventually infinite, dimensions.

An Introduction to Scattered Data Approximation

I summarize the first chapter of Holger Wendland's book "Scattered Data Approximation", which I augment with some background on polynomial interpolation and splines.

Generalizing the Outer Product to Hilbert Space

I briefly discuss how the outer product, familiar in Euclidean space, can be viewed as a linear operator which can readily be generalized to Hilbert space.

Approximating Nonlinear Functions of Gaussians, Part I - Linearized Kalman Filter Extensions

I discuss the generic problem of approximating the distribution resulting from a non-linear transformation of a Gaussian random variable, and then show how this leads to extensions of the Kalman filter which yield approximate filtering algorithms in the non-linear setting.

The Kalman Filter - A Few Different Perspectives

I discuss the Kalman filter from both the Bayesian and optimization perspectives.

An Introduction to Bayesian Filtering and Smoothing

I provide an overview of the general framework for statistical filtering, viewed from the Bayesian perspective.

The Measure-Theoretic Context of Bayes' Rule

I describe Bayes' rule in a measure-theoretic context, explain how it can be viewed as a non-linear operator on probability measures, and detail applications to Bayesian inverse problems.

Deriving the Metropolis-Hastings Update from the Transition Kernel

Given only the Metropolis-Hastings transition kernel, I show how to recover the Metropolis-Hastings update rule.

Principal Components Analysis

I derive the PCA decomposition from both a minimum reconstruction error and maximum variance perspective. I also discuss a statistical interpretation of PCA.